Review Pointers


Use these questions to review syllabus content, you have already covered.

Unit 1 

Define the following terms:

1. Sociology, culture, identity, norms, values, cultural universals, structural universals, popular culture, subculture, counter culture, Caribbean, society, positivism, social order, equilibrium, status, roles, social groups, socialization, education, religion, social change, sanctions; family, peer group, mass media, quantitative & qualitative methods, sample.

See our Learning videos on

Sociology: This video defines the term sociology and explains how the major theories are categorized and how they analyze social life. 

Culture: This video defines and explains what is culture (how culture is transferred), subculture, and counter culture

Caribbean Societies

Sociology as a science

2. The student should be able to satisfactorily explain and identify the theorists who advocate and critique the following:

  • Functionalism - views on Society (Social Order, Social Mobility and Stratification), Institutions (Family, Religion, Education)
  • Marxist - views on Society (Social Order and Stratification), Institutions (Family, Religion, Education)
  • Interpretivism - views on Society (Social Order and Stratification), Institutions (Family, Religion, Education)
  • Feminism
  • Plantation Society Theory 
  • Plural Society
  • Creole Society Theory
  • Methods of Research - Positivism, Interpretivism

3. Become familiar with current statistics (where available) on issues relating to

  • Become familiar with approximately three Caribbean countries, with regards to Social mobility and Social Stratification
  • Religious affiliation and historical development/recent developments
  • Changes in Family structure eg, delayed marriage rates, divorce rates, etc.
  • Changes in Education policy and its effects on the contemporary populations

Unit 2 

Define the following terms:

and learn formulas, where applicable

1. demography, population, crude birth & death rates, natural increase, migration, immigration, emigration, aging, fertility, infant mortality, life expectancy, dependency ratio, population growth rate, fecundity, crime, deviance, sanctions, punishment, rewards, anomie, social order, social control, modernization, dependency, (social) development, industrialization, urbanization, bureaucratization, tourism, gender, rural, health, sustainable development, poverty, capitalism, globalization, underdevelopment.

2. The student should be able to satisfactorily explain and identify the theorists who advocate and critique the following:

  • Malthusian, Marxist, Demographic Transition Theory of Population
  • Theoretical views on crime/deviance - Functionalist, Marxist, Interactionist
  • Institutions of Social Control - family, religion, education, community.
  • Theories of Development - Evolutionary, Cultural, Economic
  • Theories of Poverty - Functionalist, Marxist

 3. Become familiar with current statistics (where available) on issues relating to the following issues in the Caribbean:

  •  Alternatives to sentencing
  • Corporal and Capital Punishment
  • Social Distribution of Crime
  • Juvenile Delinquency
  • Domestic Abuse
  • White-Collar Crime

 4. Students should be able to satisfactorily explain

  • How Social Development is Measured
  • The Issues that affect Development in the Caribbean - industrialization, urbanization, bureaucracy, tourism, gender, agriculture
  • Which social groups constitute the poor - women, indigenous peoples, etc..
  • Poverty Alleviation Policies and their applicability to the Caribbean.

 Enjoy your revision  - plan ahead, rest regularly and eat adequately.