Glossary of behavioural verbs used in the sociology examination
- Analyse
Examine methodically and in detail the elements of a process, a situation or a theory, and then draw (a) conclusion(s).
- Apply
Use knowledge and/or principles, approaches or theories to solve problems.
- Assess
Present reasons for the importance of particular structures, relationships, processes or approaches.
- Comment
State opinion or view with supporting reasons.
- Compare and contrast
State, describe and elaborate on the similarities and differences.
- Define
Provide a precise statement giving the nature or the scope or the meaning of a term; or use the term in one or more sentences so that the meaning is clear and precise.
- Describe
Provide a detailed account, including significant characteristics or elements of an issue or situation.
- Develop
Elaborate on or expand an idea or argument with supporting reasons.
- Differentiate or Distinguish
State or explain briefly those differences between or among items or situations which can be used to define them or place them into separate categories.
- Discuss
Write an extended answer defining key concepts, stating what is, exploring related concepts and issues, present reasoned arguments for and against, using detailed examples but not necessarily drawing a conclusion.
- Evaluate
Weigh the evidence and make judgements based on given criteria. The use of logical supporting reasons for a particular point is more important than the view held; usually, both sides of an argument should be considered.
- Examine
Write an extended answer defining key concepts, stating what is and exploring related concepts and issues.
- Explain
Provide statements on what happened, how it happened and why it happened. Provide elaboration of particular terms, concepts, approaches.
- Formulate
Develop a hypothesis.
- Give/State
Provide short, concise statements.
- Identify
Name specific components or features. Point out, indicate without explanation or recognise and select.
- Interpret
Explain the meaning of.
- Investigate
Use appropriate procedures to observe, research, record data, analyse and draw logical conclusions.
- Justify
Explain the correctness of/give reasons for the selection of.
- List
Use headings only. Name Provide actual names (but no other details).
- Outline
Provide main points or features only without details. Plan Prepare to conduct an investigation.
- Suggest
Offer an explanation deduced from the information provided or previous knowledge and consistent with subject knowledge.